Wiggle, Wiggle…YEAH! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

Oh I did NOT forget that I promised to share some workout Pins on Fridays! In fact, I was just introduced to LightFriday.com (THANKS for the “Like” Ulrikke) and she has an AWESOME workout playlist that I HAD to share with all of you (her blog is pretty great as well, ENJOY!): http://lightfriday.com/2012/08/26/work-out-music/

I always have such a hard time finding good workout mixes. Do you find that suggested mixes always have old and overplayed songs?! WELL, LightFriday.com’s list has Flo Rida’s Whistle as the first song. This song makes me smile because Mr. Darcy usually whistles to get our four-legged little one’s attention so she always goes crazy when that song comes on. It was playing in the car the other day and she was jumping from the back seat to the front seat, sticking her nose into the speakers looking for him…so cute! (Note to self: Get a doggie seatbelt!)

In addition to boxing and possibly attempting Killer Kardio again, I’m DOING the @YouMeFit Abs challenge this weekend. I was, of course, introduced to it on Pinterest (Search terms: AB WORKOUT): https://twitter.com/YouMeFit/status/222339913880829953


GOOD LUCK!!!! Happy Labor Day Weekend!

XO, Karen

The Pinterest App is making me a narcissist!

OK, that may be a bit of an overstatement, but seriously – you can pin your own photos people! I have to admit, I repinned this “arm candy” photo…

Arm candy inspiration from Pinterest!

And then pinned my OWN “arm candy” photo to see if people liked it…NO LIKES or REPINS YET – OH, but my Speedy Asparagus Pin was repinned 16 – SIXTEEN times!

OH MY GOODNESS, I just had a flashback of 4th grade with mean girls and teasing little boys…But seriously, I was so excited that I could somewhat replicate this girls’ arm candy that I had to share!

While I LOVE the original Pinterest photo (I would love that gold bracelet), I am very excited to have arm candy* of my own. So, as the long weekend approaches and my godmom’s advice is in your head, “dress like you are going to meet the person of your dreams every day,” remember your accessories! Pinterest is a great place to get some ideas: A white t-shirt + jewels = SOMEBODY’s FABULOUS (said in my best Jim Carrey’s the Grinch Who Stole Christmas voice).

HAPPY LABOR DAY WEEKEND READERS!!! I hope you have a fabulously long weekend! Lesson for today’s post: BE A BETTER WOMAN BY GIVING UP ON WORRYING WHAT OTHER’S THINK!

I’ll be sure to work on my WordPress App use this weekend so I can be a better weekend updater ;-). I plan on making all sorts of dips and treats for our back to back barbecues. I made this dip for my grandmother-in-law’s birthday party and it was a HUGE hit (this weekend I will swap the mayo for yogurt or sour cream because Mr. Darcy and I were not fans of the mayo, but otherwise, it was delish…and easy!): http://ginamarieskitchen.com/2010/10/28/hot-corn-dip-2/

Another EASY go-to appetizer is the infamous cream cheese and chili chip dip. WHAT?! You don’t know what I’m talking about?! OK:

Ingredients are simply – block of cream cheese, can of chili (meat and bean chili is preferred – Hormel’s chili with beans is THE BOMB), hot sauce

Steps – Plop (fancy cooking word) block of cream cheese and chili into pot on stove or microwave safe bowl and warm ingredients while stirring until blended (microwave for 1-2 minutes). Drip a few drops of hot sauce to taste (Mr. Darcy and I like quite a few drops). Then serve with chips (Fritos if you want to just embrace the BADNESS of this dish…MMMMM).

XO, Karen

*My godmom and I are fans of the Chan Luu bracelets and last weekend she spoiled me with the Chan Luu-Esque bracelet seen above!!! You TOO can get this bracelet on Sofinuni’s Etsy Shop: http://www.etsy.com/listing/102578852/silver-crystal-mix-beaded-wrap-leather

Make ’em laugh

THE image that started my “Make ’em laugh” board:


bahahahahaha…I mean, how can you not laugh! Just thought I’d share with you my few, but dear, readers. The baby also kind of resembles my ADORABLE nephew and his furrowed brow, so I love it even more. 


XO, Karen 

Tomorrow I plan on showing you how Pinterest…


Turned our master bedroom around ;-). Can you believe we bought a house with a Master Bedroom that looked like this!?! I sure can’t. Thank goodness for Pinterest. One year later and we are finally in a space that I love!!

UPDATE: Sorry, I’m just getting the hang of the WORDPRESS App so somehow made this post password protected…but now you can see it…and well, it is tomorrow, so hope the above post makes sense 😉

Two of my favorite things in one – Zappos & Pinterest

Has anyone seen Zappos’ new PinPointing service? It is supposed to suggest Zappos.com purchases based on your Pinterests. In theory it sounds fabulous. However, since I pinned a recipe to make yogurt covered blueberries (SO EXCITED TO TRY Caffeinated Chronicles of A Supermom’s RECIPE THIS WEEKEND – OH YEAH, exciting Labor Day weekend ahead people: http://fluffimama.blogspot.com/2012/03/yogurt-covered-blueberries.html) Zappos’ PinPointing suggested the following purchases:

  • A blue plaid Jansport Backpack – Yes, Jansport was all the rage when I was in elementary school (especially if you made your own designs on it using whiteout – we were so cool), but no, I have not carried one since then.
  • Blue Crocs (and NOT the cute maryjane/flat crocs, the original crocs that scream for children to push little plastic accessories into them) – UNLESS you are a nurse, elementary school teacher, child or cooky you should not wear crocs. SORRY to any and all of you Croc loving fans.
  • Blue Running Shorts – OK, is this a sign?! I pinned this recipe because I thought it was healthy. I wish I could email Zappos and say, “so what you’re telling me is that my recipe is not, in fact, healthy?! Do I need a nice new pair of running shorts to shed my snack?”
  • Then there was this:

Image hmmmmmm…why? Because it is a cold snack?!*

I read that Zappos is not actually working with Pinterest on this – I think the algorithm may need some work Z. But hey, I am ALL about it if you can figure it out.

For kicks, I’d love to hear what was Pinpointed for you! Check it out here: http://pinpointing.apps.zappos.com/

Happy “Front” Hump Day folks – Apparently Zappos feels my front hump is not going to get any smaller eatin’ yogurt covered blueberries…I kid, I kid. 

*Obviously the algorithm just picked up on the color BLUE in my blueberry recipe pin, but I got a kick out of it ;-). 

Pinter-efficient lunch break…

It has been a Pinterrific day – I worked from home so had the opportunity to sleep in and take my little one for her morning walk (usually Mr. Darcy does that for me while I workout) and REALLY took advantage of my hour lunch break…could not have done it without Pinterest:

47 Mins – speed change and KILLER KARDIO – (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here is my review of the workout: https://thepinterestwoman.wordpress.com/2012/08/24/wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-yeah-happy-friday-workout/)

10 mins – Quick rinse, makeup, hair and dress session…THANK GOODNESS I wash my hair every other day 😉 AND that Pinterest had an outfit idea I could quickly copy – what do you think (my little one obviously liked it)?

4 mins – heat up last nights leftovers (guess where I found that recipe) and viola…WORKIN’ again…

I regularly read that it is SUPER important to get out of the office or step away from your desk if you have a desk job…I think I’ve accomplished that today ;-). I need to start having a more healthy lunch break while in the office. What do you do on your lunch break?

CHALLENGE: Try to have a Pinterest inspired Labor Day weekend – check it out for recipes, outfits, easy travelling workouts, etc.!

XO, Karen

Nom, nom, nom – Picky Palate’s Chicken and Black Bean Green Enchilada Rice Bake: “Healthier” COMFORT FOOD ALERT

Mexican Food is definitely one of those foods that I could eat all day, any day. SO, when I saw this recipe on Pinterest I HAD to pin it.

SEARCH TERMS: Mexican chicken recipe

Let me just say, baked fresh or eaten as leftovers (cold and hot), this dish is DELISH. It definitely feels like comfort food and if you cut back on the amount of rice you use (we used brown rice) and swap the regular cheese for lowfat (who really likes Fat Free cheese – NO ONE) and greek yogurt for sour cream it really isn’t terrible for ya…and Mr. Darcy loved it. (I always know it is a winner when he wants leftovers for lunch OR says, “you should make this again!”)

I had Mack bring over a roasted chicken from the store (I know, I cut corners…OOOOR, am I just savvy with my time!?! 😉 ) so this dish was a GREAT after work option. And, if you are like me, you can pair the cooking process with a nice glass of refreshing wine (I chose the Main & Geary Pinot Grigio because it is a DELISH “starter” wine and was at BevMo’s 5cent sale – LOVE those sales).

Cookin’ wine…for drinking 😉

Question to the non-novice cooks out there – See the liquid coming off of the finished dish? What is that? Can I cut back on that in some way?

Ready to eat!!!

Here is the list of ingredients if that helps answer the above question:

  • 2 cups white long grain rice (I used Brown Rice)
  • 2 1/2 cups cooked, shredded chicken breast
  • One 15-ounce can mild green enchilada sauce
  • One 4-ounce can sliced black olives
  • One 15-ounce can diced tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (I used greek yogurt)
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon McCormick Gourmet Roasted Ground Cumin
  • One 15-ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese (I used reduced fat cheese)

For the FULL recipe and awesome/helpful comments check out Picky Palate’s Chicken and Black Bean Green Enchilada Rice recipe here: http://picky-palate.com/2011/04/25/chicken-and-black-bean-green-enchilada-rice-bake/

Any delish, easy after work recipes that are your go-tos that you don’t mind sharing?! I’d love to hear them!!

XOXO, Karen

PS. I need a new camera. My food is not looking that appetizing on my camera phone photos. BUT I swear, they are delish. If you know of sweet camera deals though, I am open to suggestion ;-).


What a wonderful weekend! It felt long, I enjoyed lots of QT with friends and family AND projects actually happened around the house.

This Monday I have to move my “Front Hump” Day post up because I’m SO excited about a weekend shopping spree that is helping with my internal stylist self. My cousins (let’s call them Charlotte and Carrie – C&C) and I went shopping…and by shopping, I mean SHOPPING. We headed out to the outlets in Napa, CA and did some damage at the Gap, JCREW and Ann Taylor (sorry Banana Republic, LOFT, etc., by the time we arrived at your doors, we had spent WAY too much money – we didn’t even go in). We didn’t forget about the kiddos – we checked out GAP Kids and Gymboree as well. Charlotte purchased something for her hubby and my Goddaughter (her daughter 😉 ) and Carrie scored adorable stuff for her daughter as well, but I, well, I only purchased things for myself…whoops.

Before approaching the trip, I consulted my Pinterest Board titled “envious styles, clothes, accessories” and created a list – it was long. C&C agreed. I threw on a Pinterest inspired outfit for easy changing room activity (see below) and grabbed my list and we were off.

Now, I pin Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon quite often and repin a ton of ideas from two particular friends I’m following – SO FUN! Their styles are pretty simple (t-shirt and jeans with a scarf or jeans, jacket and fun top) but so put together at the same time. So my purchases were really focused on getting the basics – nice white t’s, jeans, and a few colorful items to plus up my wardrobe. VERY excited to wear THIS:

INSPIRED BY THIS (the vibrant blue is so gorgeous and I had it on my Birthday WISH LIST Pinterest Board but I simply could not wait):

Street Style! Real Celeb Looks Straight Off the Street! | Posh24.com

TIP: As Fall approaches, I’m seeing a TON of pinning activity around scarves. One VERY helpful repin I did this weekend was to this “6 Ways to Tie a Scarf” http://pleasantriesandpitbulls.com/2011/09/01/6-ways-to-tie-a-scarf/ I LOVE #6!

I am sure I will have MANY more “Front Hump” posts to share STARRING my newest wardrobe additions, but for now, I’d love to end this post with a quote from my Godmom who told me “You should always dress like you are going to meet the man/woman of your dreams that day.” This can even be applied to workout gear – no need for makeup ladies – the man of your dreams will eventually have to see you sans makeup, but it is so easy to look put together with today’s workout wardrobes.

CONFESSION – If you read my post on Friday, I never had the chance to bake the lemon pull apart bread – it was a bit more involved than I had thought (NOTE/CHALLENGE to self – Take on a few more baking challenges. Tackle lemon pull apart bread in a few months – definitely by the holidays). Tonight, I will bake SELF.com’s Baked Beef Taquitos from their DROP 10 Diet plan. Although baked and healthier for you, they taste like you are indulging and Mr. Darcy even approves! A fun tip I learned from them – Swap *Greek Yogurt for Sour Cream – DELISH! (NOTE: You have to sign up to get the recipe, but here is a free Self.com recipe that you could swap lean ground beef in for the black bean- cornmeal mash: http://www.self.com/fooddiet/recipes/2012/04/black-bean-tacos-corn-salsa).
*For other fun Greek Yogurt cooking ideas check out VOSKOS or Oikos Pinterest Boards!

Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle…YEAH! – HAPPY FRIDAY WORKOUT

Well one thing is for sure, cooking more is not helping with my “front hump,” SO, I thought I would dedicate one day a week to workouts I find on Pinterest. I enjoy mixing up my workout and for the month of August I decided I would take up Boxing – not cardio kick boxing or private boxing, but BOXING. I am full on punching and kicking people. Great fun, until you get partnered up with someone that is bigger than you. Case in point, three nights ago I was partnered up with someone that was a bit bigger than me and new to boxing. SO, when we were sparing, she punched me in the ribs – that is a NO NO. WELL, I haven’t been able to breathe deep breathes since and IT HURTS like the dickens.  ENTER PINTEREST.

Since the boxing gym is my gym, I needed some at-home exercises to help mix up my workout regime this month. Search terms I’ve used are:

  • At Home Workouts
  • Cardio workouts
  • Running workouts

But this particular workout was already pinned by someone I’m following so I thought I’d share with you!

KILLER KARDIO from Fantasmo.blogspot.com. HOLY COW:

I tried it last weekend and it KICKED my butt..I will definitely do this again this weekend. I do not have a treadmill at home, but I do have a stationary bike so I just sprinted (and casually road because I was dying) on the bike for the 10 minute “running” portions. I think my favorite part is the end “Congratulations, you didn’t die.”

I just propped the above photo up on my laptop screen and Googled a countdown timer (found this: http://www.online-stopwatch.com/countdown-timer/) and opened it side by side. I added 46minutes to the timer and went for it. This timer allowed me to follow the regimen without stopping. If you don’t have a treadmill, stationary bike or other workout machine at home, run around the block for 10 minutes. And if you do not have a jump rope, well as they scream in my boxing class, THEN JUST JUMP UP AND DOWN!!  It is worth it!

Anyhoo, I hope you have a fabulous time this weekend and enjoy an extra long workout with no “gotta get to work” or “gotta leave the gym after work to get home” thoughts running through your head. For those that are not parents but lead busy lives, my tip on the weekend is to wake up in the morning and put on your workout clothes (if your morning activities allow for workout wear attire). That way, when you get an hour or two you have NO excuse. JUST DO IT!

…and if you do…and you don’t die…try this recipe from The Whimsical Cupcake as a treat (sooo not helping in the workout arena)! I am a bit scared about making the bread portion of this, BUT I have family visiting so I think I might try this as a special treat over the weekend: http://thewhimsicalcupcake.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/lemon-scented-pull-apart-coffee-cake/. I’ll be sure to report back on how it went. Think happy thoughts for me please!


XO, Karen

The original blog post about KILLER KARDIO is here: http://fantasmo.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/sweating-my-way-through.html (I recommend reading Amber’s post as it is a great post about happy weight/goal weight!)